restore comfort, function, and the appearance of your smile
Dental Implants
Missing teeth can interfere with your daily life and make you feel self-conscious. Dental implants provide a unique opportunity to restore comfort, function, and the appearance of your smile.
Contact us
Restore your smile
Missing teeth can interfere with your daily life and make you feel self-conscious. Dental implants provide a unique opportunity to restore comfort, function, and the appearance of your smile. With an implant-supported restoration, you can replace a single missing tooth with a dental crown, several teeth with a bridge, or a full arch with a denture. At Greenville Oral Surgery, our team of oral surgeons can precisely plan your treatment and place your implants for stable, natural-looking results. With multiple locations including Greenville, Duncan, and Powdersville, you can undergo your procedure and follow-up appointments at the office which is most convenient for you.
Why dental implants?
- Extraction
If tooth is present it will be extracted and
grafting will be placed to fill void left when
tooth is removed.
- Implant Replacement
Once the site is completely healed and the
bone is dense enough you are ready to have
the implant placed. Most procedures will be
performed under general anesthesia.
- 1 Week Post-Op Check
After implant placement, you will return within
the next week or two to check the healing of
the implant and ensure there are no early
signs of rejection.
- Integration Period
Your dental implant is going to need
approximately 3-6 months of healing time to
fully integrate with the existing bone.
- Release for Restoration
Once that implant is fully integrated you will be
released back to your dentist to have the
crown placed.